There's something about the martyred that makes me feel so superficial. Listen. There are people in other countries being killed in the name of our God, while we're over here in (God bless) America either:
A. feeling sorry for ourselves for some pointless reason
B. Even questioning the existence of our papa in heaven.
Heart breaking. Just simply heart breaking.
Those of you that are sulking in your own gloom: I get it- I really do. We all have our own problems, and no matter how big or small to the world, the pain is very real in our own lives. But the beautiful picture in all this is that no matter how angry or upset you are, either at your situation or at God, he will never walk away. He's sitting right next to you, and he cares about every single tear that falls from your eyes. Every single one. He's okay with your anger because, guess what: he's God. He can handle your irritability.
Sometimes, life just seems too hard to handle. Like it's impossible to go on. And like I once heard: sometimes, in life, it IS impossible to go on.
But not with Jesus.
It will never be too hard to handle if you have Jesus and you let him help you through your problems. He wants to help, and he's waiting for you to realize that you can’t make it on our own. And when you finally understand that you need him, just remember that he's right there, ready to jump in and save your life.
Okay. Now for those of you that are part of group two. I'm not going to sit here and defend Jesus, because he's God. He doesn't need my defense. But let me just tell you something. There are a lot of things in this world that I'm not sure of, but there is one thing that I absolutely know- one truth among all the lies- and that's that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he saved me from my wicked sin, and he is with me every movement of every day cheering me on as I fight this deadly battle here on earth. He's got this book of battle strategies for us so that we'll always be able to make it out alive.
Look at this world and imagine there being no love. Think of the darkness there would be. More than there is, even now.
"whoever does not know love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE" 1 John 4:8
The people being martyred know this love. How could they not? They are willing to go through the most excruciating torture so that this Love can be shown.
People don't just wake up in the morning and decide to do things like that.
There are few things in this life that we' be willing to die for. So here's the question: would we die for Jesus?
We know what he did for us on the cross. Would we be willing to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him?
Instead of worrying about little things and trying to argue who's right and who's wrong (because we know who's right and it's not something we need to argue, but share), maybe we can have a change of heart. If we DO have this heart transformation, maybe- just maybe- we could really make a difference in this world.
We wouldn't be concerned with ourselves and the things we want, but instead, all we would want to do is what Jesus wants, and to become the men and women that God created us to be. I'm not saying we all need to go to a foreign country and die, but we have the potential to do things that we'd never think possible. You're not going to make any impact whatsoever on this world, if you sit idly by, doing nothing. Don't let this world miss out on God's love. Do something that will make this gift of life that God gave you, worth it. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for.
If only we would remember God and have a Heart of The Martyred.
"whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." Matthew 16:25