Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Love

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It's been a long week, let me say. I can't even remember half the things I did because I'm so tired. But here we go:

Of course Sunday I went to church where pastor John Miller gave a stellar sermon on marriage. It didn't really pertain to me, seeing as I'm not on the verge of divorce, but it was still good to know.

Monday I ran four miles with my mom. Four miles. It felt awesome.

Tuesday was my car accident. Yes. It was scary. I had my poor doggies in the car. But every one's okay, so no worries.

Wednesday I went to church where I heard and amazing message from Tracy Ybarra. He challenged me to fast from facebook. So I am. And I'm so glad. I've had more time to just focus on God.

Thursday I got my senior portraits! YAY! This year is going to be so fun!

During this week I read a book called When Dreams Come True. Super good. I highly recomend it. I'll be writing a little bit about the book and how it spoke to me soon.

My Pinterest popular:

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This week, I've been focusing on passion. I've realized that lack of passion is fatal. God has given me a new, great longing to do everything that I do to the best of my ability. To never do anything half hearted. 

I'm still learning how to work my own blog, but I've had fun so far.

Verse of the week:

For he says,
"In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you."
I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:2