What do you think beauty is? Our culture would say things like: long hair, straight teeth, and a nice figure. Attitude-wise, I'd say we've been accepting the idea that an independent, strong (sometimes bratty) women is desirable. It almost feels like a lie we're pretending to believe when, as believers in The Lord, we know its not true.
I've come to believe that even the culture subconciously knows it's not true. We're all looking to be fulfilled, thinking beauty must surely be the only way to be happy (that's what the culture is telling us), but it's not working. We're still searching for answers.
You feel like, well, since I'm still not happy, there must be something wrong with me. I must not be pretty enough, or skinny enough. The culture is telling us that Body Image = Beauty.
But there's another way.
Now, let me ask this : Is it okay to strive to be beautiful?
The answer is YES! God created us as beautiful, and God is beauty. So in our hearts, what we're really striving for is God!
And that is, by all means, an okay thing to do. But the question now is, how do we strive to become beautiful in a way that we are fulfilled by God?
I'm so excited to show you these next couple days, what I've been learning.