It's really the little things God does for me.
The Becoming Girls Conference was a blast, and leading up to it my relationship with the Lord and my spiritual growth hit a climax. Now, I'm just trying to get back into the groove of things. I'm trying to figure out,
how did I spend my days and my prayers before the conference?
What does God want me to do now?
What book in the bible does God want me to read?
I'm a mess! I don't know what to do with myself. I find myself almost scared that I'm back sliding in my relationship with God. Before the conference, His Spirit was so real to me, so present. Now, it's just like a faint blur or something, almost like he's not even there. I know he is, but I don't know what he wants from me.
But last week when I was talking to one of my friends, she explained that sometimes, in those spiritually quiet times, God just wants us to serve him.
God has been reminding me of his presence by little things. For instance, a huge flock of birds flying over my car in the most marvelous way. Or me pulling out of my driveway on my way to work and getting a call from my manager saying they didn't need me to come in. Or putting paper liners on the trays at work, and grabbing the exact amount of paper liners that I needed. Or getting every green light on my way home from school.
I know it probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but to me, when those kinds of things happen, I am reminded of God and that He is looking out for little ol' me.
I love the little things.