So here we are.
But really, I just wanted to take a minute and acknowledge Valentines Day. I mean, it's a fantastic Holiday when you're dating or married or whatever, but when you're me... well let's just say it could get ugly.
I'm single (no, that wasn't an invitation), and I try my very best to take advantage of this time, focusing on God and growing in my relationship with him. It gives me time to plan out my future and what I want to do and become. But there is always, somewhere within me, this constant longing for someone.
Someone who will care about me and love me inside and out. Someone who will want to know all the things that make me tick and what my dreams are. I want someone who is brave enough to pursue me because somehow, without even trying, I stole his heart.
And honestly, I don't think it's a bad thing. When God created the universe, there was only one thing that he said was not good.
"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him" (Genesis 2:18).
In Hebrew, when it says helper it actually means "counterpart" or more specifically, "mate".
So you see, God created us to have someone. He even said that it was bad for us to be alone. My desire for a significant other is just part of how I was made. But I will, for the sake of my respect for my future husband and for the furthering of the kingdom of God, try my hardest to be patient for God's plans for me. (Can you say run-on sentence?)
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," (Psalm 23:1).
Some other versions say,
"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing."
Lately I've caught myself quoting this throughout my day, especially with Valentines Day coming up. I have everything I need. When I find someone, it will be by the grace of God. It will be a gift.