The month of November is not only bringing in colder weather and beanies, but I'm doing a challenge. It's only twice a week, mostly because I'm lazy. Feel free to comment, and if you want to join in on the challenge, you're welcome to.
Listing a pet peeves just seems so mean to me. So, you know what? I'm changing it. No one said anything about rules.
Instead of five pet peeves, I'll give you five things I love. Now isn't that better?
1. I love God. The best decision I ever made, and will ever make, is following Jesus Christ. My life would be an empty struggle, searching and searching for some kind of answer for what I needed. Could it be found in works? Being a good person? Or maybe if I just had a perfect boyfriend, then maybe I'd be happy. We are all restless till we rest in Him.
2. I love food. What more can I say? It's great.
3. I love when God teaches me something new. I love, love, love it. Having those aha moments, or something completely mind boggling. Something that I can't help but share with you here. I just love when He teaches me something new.
4. I love rainy days. It's such cozy weather where you can to stay home and be content with old movies and hot chocolate.
5. I love toothpaste, because it cleans your teeth. That is all.
Have a wonderful Friday, my friends.
P.s. What do you love? Tell me, tell me.

Oh and I love turtles.