This is like a mini new-years-resolution. Cool.
The month of December has always, always been really hard for me. I love it, don't get me wrong. All the beautiful lights, cold weather and trees. The traditions past on from generation to generation in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The New Years Eve celebration in which you stay up late in anticipation of a new beginning. It's all so exciting and magical to me.
But for some reason it is really hard to go through alone. I look forward to the day when I can hang lights and decorate trees and go light watching with someone special.
It's silly and I don't understand it in the least, but it's a hard month to go through for me. Valentine's day? That's always just been funny to me. But Christmas is different. It's not expected for you to have a significant other to enjoy it with. But my patience always wears thinner and thinner every Christmas season.
I understand Christmas is not about any of that, so this December I want to spend it all with the One in whom we are celebrating about. I want to take advantage of every opportunity I have to give, give, give. I don't want to make this month about me and my wants. I don't want to have a pity party and watch chic flicks while I soak in my misery with three different kinds of Ben &Jerry's.
I want to get out of my comfort zone and spend it with friends who, I don't know, have just as hard of a time making it through the season as I do. We can do it together. We can make it through and glorify our God in the process. This season can be the best one I've experienced yet. No boyfriend needed.
Just God. And what's awesome is that He's given me friends and family who will be there for me through it anyway. How awesome is our God?
I love remembering the sacrifice He made when He came down from Heaven for me and you. It shows how big of a love He has for us.
So recap. My goal for the month of December is
1. Give.
2. Spend it with others.
3. Spend it with God.
4. Remember the sacrifice He made, just by leaving Heaven and taking on flesh.
5. Oh and work on keeping up with posts. I'm terrible at it.
I had so much fun during the month of November with the blog series
Have a great December, I know there are some great things to come. I'm so very excited for it. I hope you are too.