I've lost sight of Him.
I never lost sight of him, the creator of the universe. But I lost sight of Him. Does that make sense?
I lost sight of His heart.
I lost sight of the God who loves me, with a love so deep that no water can quench. I lost sight of the God who cares for me. I lost sight of the God who, though I fail Him day in and day out, wants to walk with me through every wretched moment of my day. I lost sight of the God who wants to use me. Me? Yes, if only I will obey. I lost sight of the God whose plans for me have always been to prosper and not to harm me.
Whose love is so deep that it did not just stop when He realized my sin was too great. But that He made a way.
Who came down from His place in heaven and took on flesh. Who lived among His creation and saw the destruction of mankind.
Yet chose to pick up that cross, beaten and bruised, and walk to His death, only to raise to life again, so that I may live too.
I lost sight of Him.
And as if the cross weren't enough, He chooses to bring blessing upon blessing into my life, and I am humbled beyond belief!
What a wretched, yet forgiven and loved, person I am.
How could I have ever lost sight of Him?