Sometimes it's difficult to remember God's love when things fall apart. It's difficult to remember His promises and how faithful He is, during those times when life is not prospering.
But our God knows what we need and when we need it, and just so know, He is faithful.
God reminded me of His love today. He's been reminding me my whole life but it pretty much punched me in the face today. The most loving punch I've ever taken.
I serve a God who chooses to bless me and answer prayers I had never even prayed. I was humbled and completely confused as I sat in awe wondering, He answered this prayer that I never even prayed. I should have went to Him for that, so why did He bless me anyway?
And then I remembered.
God is good.
He is so good! He wants to bless His children. He wants to bring them joy and fulfillment- that of which can only be found in Him.
There are so many prayers from the past- prayers that he never answered- that I am thankful beyond belief for. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts, but He also knows that there is something far greater- something He has planned- than what we want in the moment.
He protected me from relationships that were not edifying. He did not answer prayers of weak desires for a boy who would never have loved me the way he should. I look back and I can see all of the times where He was protecting me and saving me so that I could be pure, emotionally and physically, for my husband.
I cannot not put down in words how thankful I am for those unanswered prayers.
And then even now, for the answers of prayers that I never even prayed.
He knows all and sees all. He has a plan. And sometimes it includes little things like allowing me a day off from work, or playing a song that always grabs hold of my heart.
It's the little things. But it's also the really big things as well.
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself," (2 Timothy 2:13).