The other day I was driving to the all-famous El Pollo Loco (literally my only go-to) on my lunch break. I was stopped at a red light when I heard someone honk. I wondered if I knew them so I peeked out the corner of my eye and they were waving like some maniac. I came to the conclusion that it was some creeper creepin'. So I sat there, begging the light to turn green, as this creeper continued to honk his horn.
Would you just stop already? Oh boy you can bet my face was red. And oh, the relief when the Light turned green.
Well, a few days after the incident I came to find out that the creepy-honking-waving-maniac, was not a creepy-honking-waving-maniac, but was indeed the youth worship leader at my church. I serve with this guy and his wife every week in the Jr High, and he just wanted to say hello.
My fear kept me from something that would have brightened up my day some.
I think this is something we tend to do a lot.
I've been reading through the book of Jeremiah, and because God's people worshiped false gods and listened to false prophets and did not serve the Lord their God, God aloud the Babylonians to take them out.
I was so excited when I was in Chapter 42, because the remaining remnant of Judah went to Jeremiah the prophet and asked him to pray to the Lord.
"Pray that the Lord your God will tell us
where we should go and what we should do."
"I have heard you," replied Jeremiah the prophet.
"I will certainly pray to the Lord your God
as you have requested..."
(Jeremiah 42:3-4)
I was all excited because the people were finally seeking what God wanted them to do and not seeking their own interests.
"Whether it is favorable or unfavorable,
we will obey the Lord our God,
to whom we are sending you,
so that it will go well with us,
for we will obey the Lord our God."
(Jeremiah 42:6)
Well, I mean, it was mostly not for their own interests, right?
It breaks my heart because the Lord went on to reveal to them what He wanted them to do, which was to remain in that land. He told them that if they obeyed, He would build them up and not tear them down.
The remnant of Judah did not obey the Lord their God, but chose instead to do what they though was best. This did not go well with them, I will tell you that much.
Their fear drove them to disobedience.
We do this over and over again. I know I do. We know that God would have us go and do something and we choose not to. Or He calls us to specific calling and we turn the opposite way because of our fears. We are not only disobeying God, but we are missing out on the full blessings that God desires to shower on us.
I sat there, reading chapter 42 of Jeremiah, praying that I would not be like the remnant of Judah.
When the Lord tells me to go, I want to go. When He tells me to stop, I want to stop. Though it may be scary, and it may make absolutely no sense in the slightest, I want to obey.
I do not want my fears to control me, but God Almighty.
And so, just like my fear of the car next to me stopped me from a kind hello from a friend, our fear can often hinder us from the meaningful purpose God has placed on our lives. (Not that you should always wave back to the creeper who honks his horn at you). My prayer is that God will become our strength and bravery, and because of Him we are are drawn into a purpose-driven life that brings glory to His name.
Maybe God is revealing to you something He wants you to do. My advice?
Do it.

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