So I've been house sitting for some friends as of late, and when you house sit, it turns out you're supposed to check their mail.
Which is fine.
When you know their mailbox number.
It may not have been such a big deal, except these particular friends were (of course) expecting nothing other than moose hot dogs. And moose hot dogs, if you didn't already know, are supposed to stay cold. Like any other hot dog.
So I go on my merry little way over to the mail box, and that's when I realize I have no clue which one it is. And when you don't know which mailbox is theirs, what do you do?
Well you just start checking all of them. That's what you do.
I tried the key in maybe all of them when, CLICK! It opens one. There has never been anything more beautiful.
I grab the mail and start heading back to the house, but there seems to be a slight problem. You see, The folks I'm house sitting for are not Mr. and Mrs. Cook.
Either I've been at the wrong house this entire time, or I've got some kind of skeleton key. Those are my only options, or so I've concluded.
Moral of the story is.. Well I'll just let you decide.
And also I did receive those moose hot dogs and I'm pretty sure I'm just gunna eat them. Because that's what a good house sitter would do, and I'm a great house sitter.