I'm not smart enough.
I'm too busy.
What if I go and never get married?
My past is to dark.
You know, we come up with a lot of excuses. God calls, and we become afraid, so we hide behind the shrubs of these lies. We find comfort in the state we are in because it involves no pain, no confusion, and no fear.
It also includes no growth, no impact, no victory, no revival.
So how's that going for you? Are you willing to look at the cross, see lost souls dying, only to crawl your way back, right behind the shrubs of those lies? Because I know I have done it. It's nice back here. There is shade and I think if I can stretch out my arm far enough I can probably reach some grapes or something.
So God calls.
Will you go? Will you hide? In all reality, God's not on His knees begging you to do it, as if you're the only one.
If you don't do it, He'll send someone else. But He called you. He called you because He not only wants to make an impact in those lost souls- He wants to make an impact in you.
So maybe you're not qualified to do the one thing He's called you to. I am certain the reason He does this is so that it can be known among all that it was not you who did this great thing, but God Almighty.
And I'm about to tell you something, so hold onto your socks because this leaves room for no more excuses.
"God is not looking for ability, but availability," (Holly Wagner).
Where He's calling you will stir up some fear. It will make you cry, and your heart will pound a thousand miles a minute. But when you are at your weakest, that is when God shows up and shows off.
So I am raising my hand. Send me, God. I am pulling out my largest ax and chopping down these shrubs of condemning lies. (because I own a variety of axes). Shoot, I'm grabbing the shovel and digging out those roots too, because I will not let these lies exist in my life any longer.
God is calling me and He is calling you.
So look around. Where is God already working in your life? Join Him there. It's not about what great thing you can do, but what great thing He's already doing. That's where we need to be.
You need to love, because the scowl on your face is not becoming on you.
You need to sing, because your life-song is leading others into the throne room of God.
You need to speak, because when you open up your mouth diamonds come rolling out.
You need to lead, because there is an army rising up, and someone needs to go first.
You need to listen, because no one has ever taken the time to listen to that young lady's story.
You need to fight, because we are on the winning team and we are about to take that land.
And you need to go. Because He has called you.
He has called you.
"For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that He has chosen you," (1 Thessalonians 1: 4 NIV).
"He has saved us and called us to a holy life- not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace..." (2 Timothy 1: 9 NIV)
"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told," (Habakkuk 1: 5 NIV).

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