Does God notice?
I mean, He's a pretty busy guy.
He's got the balance of the universe to take into consideration. And He is pretty busy putting the clouds in the sky and telling it to rain, even in places where no one lives. He is telling the wind to go in the direction He desires it to go, and He's busy laying out the path of lightning. He's designing the colors of the setting sun and mapping the current of the waves. I mean, come on. Does He notice?
We're talking about the guy who laid the earth's foundation and marked off it's dimensions. That measuring line that stretches across the earth did not come about on it's own. God is busy telling the waves where to halt and giving the rooster it's understanding when to crow.
He is God Almighty, so does He notice the pain that you feel? Does He notice how lonely you are or even the desires of your heart?
Let me assure you dear friend- God notices.
Why do you complain, O Jacob,
and you, Israel, why do you say,
"My plight is hidden from the Lord,
and my cause has passed out of God's notice"?
Do you not know, Have you not heard?
The Lord, the everlasting God, creator of the wide world,
grows neither weary nor faint;
no man can fathom his understanding.
He gives vigour to the weary,
new strength to the exhausted.
Young men may grow weary and faint,
even in their prime they may stumble and fall;
but those who look to the Lord will win new strength,
they will grow wings like eagles;
they will run and not be weary,
they will march on and never grow faint.
(Isaiah 40:27-31 NEB)

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