Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Am Thankful | No. 1

The month of November is not only bringing in colder weather and beanies but a heart of thankfulness and also turkeys.

So for one week leading up to the big day, I will write about one thing I am thankful for. And we're going to do it all in time before my Pic Monkey account expires, kay?

But let me add one thing before we begin. As one of my favorite bible speakers once said, "I don't want to just list the stuff I'm grateful for. I want to bathe in it. I want my heart to burst open with the joy of it all," (Christine Kane).

So? I am thankful...


Many times I feel unimportant, unwanted, un(isthisevenaword)cared for.

But Jesus Christ has reminded me that, by Him, I am loved and that is all that matters. Even though I may feel like giving up, like no one cares and I am not worth anyone's time, He is fighting for me. always.

He was fighting for me when He came humbly to earth. He was fighting for me when He used all His strength to carry the cross to skull mountain. He was fighting for me as he hung there upon it and when He gave up His Spirit. He was fighting for me when He rose again. And you know something else?

He's still fighting for me. Rooting for me. Praying for me.

He's doing the same for you, and that is something to be thankful for.
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