My own love story.
That's what shooting stars meant to me, and that's all I would ever think of while watching them shoot across the sky.
So, two weeks ago, I lay there, asking God to show me a meteorite. I heard one question float across my mind:
Are you going to wish for love?
I answered saying that I didn't know any other way to react to a shooting star. And this is just a classic example of God's humor.
He's like: Oh, I'll show you how else to react.
And BAM! All the way across the sky was the biggest shooting star I've ever seen in my entire life. Probably my entire life in the future as well! I didn't even have time to make a wish because I was so amazed at what I had seen.
I saw ten shooting stars that night, and not one of them did I make a wish on.
What have you been wishing for that might be distracting you from God?