I've been acting like a real brat lately. My parents are divorced and that means I get two Thanksgivings. But this year I've been acting like it's all messed up. I'm going to my mom's on Thursday, and to my dad's on Friday. My dad is still making a thanksgiving meal on Thursday, and I was mad because I wouldn't be there. I was mad because I wouldn't get to eat his Thanksgiving meal.
Isn't that ridiculous?
Thanksgiving isn't about the turkey, or the mashed potatoes and gravy. It's not about the corn or the delicious green bean casserole. It never has been.
Originally, the pilgrims used this day to give thanks to the natives for saving their lives. They came to America so they could form a separate community in which they could worship God however they saw fit.
That's what it's about. Giving thanks to God and others for what they have done. It's not about me- nothing ever is. I should be giving thanks that I get to spend time with both families during this holiday.
"Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him." Psalm 95:2
I am thankful for my salvation and that God has chosen me.
I am thankful for my family- my niece, and my nephew- and that my step mother is still okay. I am thankful for my dad and his love for me. I am thankful for my mom and how much she believes in me, even when I don't.
I am thankful that God has saved me for my future husband, even though my patience sometimes wears thin, God has beautiful plans for me, and I am very thankful for that.
I am thankful for my amazing friends, and Pastor Brian and Pastor John Miller. The Lord has blessed our church with great leaders.
I am thankful that I get to be a part of the Becoming Girls Conference.
I am thankful for my bed and my home and my car.
There is so much more to be thankful for, and if we just take a second and think of those things, the real meaning of this day will surely come to life.