Tuesday, December 25, 2012

From Dust Comes Beauty

"Too often we look at life as a drudgery to be endured rather than a dance to be enjoyed. It seems as if it's easier for us to enter into the eulogies at a wake than the excitement at a wedding, to suffer the aches and pains of life than to celebrate the fun and games," Charles R. Swindoll.

I've spent too long being too serious and too sad. I know that I'm joyful, but it seems lately I've been more bummed and upset than happy.

I've been remembering my past with a sigh. I've been broken. I've spent nights crying myself to sleep. There are things I've been through that have completely changed and impacted my life.

And God brought good out of every single thing.  

Let me explain. I don't think God turned those negative things in to good things. My step mom has cancer, and that will never be good. But He has brought good FROM it. I have fibromyalgia, and pain will never be good. But God has brought good FROM it. Does that make sense?

God makes beautiful things out of the dust, but it never said he made the dust beautiful. It's time I stop looking at the dust and start seeing the beauty God has brought from it. What a more joyful life I'll be living if that were the case.

Look at Christmas. I've only been seeing Jesus' birth as the beginning of his suffering on the cross. But I forgot the most important thing! He is risen! Yes, he was born, and that will eventually lead to the death of him up on the cross, but FROM it he brought salvation. He defeated death and the enemy, and now we get to be with him for eternity! That is BEAUTIFUL!

This is not to say that God can't change your troubles into something good. He is completely capable. There are times he has healed the sick and turned what you thought to be the end, into a beautiful beginning. But I also believe that he uses the hard times in our life. That, instead of changing our circumstances, he changes our hearts.

I pray you will look at your past and not see the darkness, but the light and the beauty that God has brought from it.

Praise God for all the negative things that have ever happened because he is good and faithful to use it for his glory. Praise God!

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20