I'm seeing the transformation occur, slowly but surely.
1. First, I turned eighteen- no big deal.
2. I got rid of some stuffed animals. I don't care who you are, that's a big deal.
3. Then I actually started thinking about living arrangements. Will I live with my sister after high school, or will I find another friend to room with?
4. Then my job: will I get hired by Dr. Danesh as a Medical Assistant? Maybe I should try to get hired at an ultrasound facility.
5. I even created a new pinterest board: Home Décor. Which, by the way, has really cute decorating ideas for a cute little home, if you want to check it out.
6. And get this; I even bought appliances (for example cups, flower vases, carpets, pots, ect) from this cute little thrift shop by Arbys. What a steel.
I don't know what's gotten into me! I'm not trying to grow up fast, I'm just really excited about this new stage of life. I'm excited to decorate a house, to live with that responsibility, to have my own dog. I'm excited for it. I graduate June 6th, and from there, it's free game. I do what I want when I want. I have to learn what to do- how to survive in the world- on my own.
But right now I'm still in high school, and I still have to take my finals and do my homework and make it through all the way to the end. It's really not too far off. And I still have to live through prom. Alone. A girl's worst nightmare. It's hard seeing all my friends going with someone and getting asked in the cutest ways. I guess that's just not what God wants for me. I don't even know why I'm going. Oh well, I already bought my dress (and its insanely beautiful. I'll have to post some pictures).
Throughout all this change, it would mean nothing if I wasn't doing what God wants me to. So that's what I'm going to be praying for, for the next couple months. God's really blessed me by showing me where He wants me, and I just pray that He continues to do so.
If I could give any advice at all to those still in high school, it's this:
1. Love your parents, and don't take advantage of them or any of the things they do. They love you like crazy and we only get 18 years or so to live with them. It goes by too fast.
2. Don't mess around during school. Do your work. Get it done and strive to do your best. It will pay off.
3. Don't fit in. The world and everyone around you will make it seem like you're not good enough, but in reality, they are feeling the same way. Be you. And don't let anyone bring you down for that.
4. Make a difference. There's so much that can be done for the furthering of God's Kingdom during high school. Grab the word of God and soak it up. And then let it out. Let God's love shine forth from your life, as you change the lives of others around you.
5. Pray. Some of you might think, I'm not quite sure how to. I say, WHO CARES! Talk to God. That's all he wants. Talk to Him and tell Him everything. pray for family and friends. You can only grow in your relationship with Him if you're talking to Him and reading His word. Because, guess what: That's where He talks back.
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity," (1 Timothy 4:12).