I'm not always happy. Sometimes I get a bad case of road rage. My hair doesn't look like this when I wake up and, for the record, girl's eye lashes are not naturally this thick. There are days I go without reading my bible, and sometimes I use the big stall, even though I'm not in a wheelchair. To the world I'm not perfect, and- shhh- you don't have to say anything, you aren't either.
Just thought I'd cheer you up.
But in all seriousness, is this not comforting? I'm not 'perfect.' You're not 'perfect.' We're all not 'perfect.' Are you picking up what I'm putting down? There are times that I feel like we put on some kind of façade, and for what? Approval? Do we have to be someone who isn't us, to be accepted?
I believe that if we were to allow the very essence of who we truly are, who God fully intended us to be, to shine forth, the world will see a light so bright and so appealing, and that our bond as sisters will grow stronger. Where Christ is, so will there be love. An unshakable true love, between sisters of Christ.
To the world we will never be perfect.
Did you know that, to the Big Man Upstairs, you are perfect. He formed you in your mothers womb. We are His master piece- His prized possession. Do you honestly think that a Man so perfect and so flawless and so full of love, could possibly create anything imperfectly? I don't think He can.
And if that's true, that's the most comforting of news.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well," (Psalm 139: 13-14).