"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit- fruit that will last- and so that whatever you ask in my name the father will give you," (John 15:16).
Yes, you have a choice whether you want to follow Jesus Christ or not. A point- blank decision that we all must make some time in our life. You are able to decide if you will do everything you can to further His Kingdom, or if you will sit idly by- though it's usually more subtle.
There are some people that I know who actually live out their lives in fervent prayer and love, all for the glory of God.
There is someone who goes to my school, who in the past was not walking with The Lord. But let me tell you, once he found his place within the forgiving and merciful love of our God, he has not kept his mouth shut. Not only that but his actions- his encouragement and love towards others magnifies The Lord in ways I'd never thought possible.
The truth of the matter is that this young man did not choose God, but God chose him.
I believe that God saw a willing heart and chose to use his voice.
God chose you. Let me repeat that. God, the Creator of the universe, chose YOU. Of all people He "appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit," (John 15:16). He wants you to set out on the task He called you personally to achieve.
Is that not the most honorable and comforting of news? That The Lord God wants you to do His will?
It's almost as if He says:
For this task, I need someone who has had a broken spirit- someone who has lived through the pain of regret and loss, but longs silently to lead and love others. With this task, I can mold her and give her the fruit of joy and peace. I choose her.
How comforting. Let us hear what Jesus said one more time.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you," (John 15:16).