But I've always known this was far from the truth.
I know that God is the only one who could ever complete me. I have a whole in my heart and it's shaped like Jesus. He, and only, will ever be able to fill it. I know this, but it's never stopped me from searching for something else.
Elisabeth Elliot states in her book, Loneliness, that "marriage teaches us that even the most intimate human companionship cannot satisfy the deepest places of the heart. Our hearts are lonely 'till they rest in Him."
I want to share with you a passage from Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones' book, Lady in Waiting:
"Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus. Only the process of reckless abandonment to Jesus does any woman ever finally understand that, in Him, she is complete. When two "incomplete" singles get married, their union will not make them complete. Their marriage will be simply two "incomplete" people trying to find completeness in one another. Only when they understand that their fullness is found in a relationship with Jesus will they ever begin to compliment one another," (20).
So, wow. Doesn't that make so much sense? If a woman is not complete in Jesus, she "will be a drain on her husband," (20-21). I don't know about you, but I want to find all my love, acceptance, strength, dignity and honor, in Jesus Christ. If he is powerful enough to raise from the dead, I think he is powerful enough to fill our voids.
I want to be satisfied with having him, and only him. I don't want to constantly be searching for someone or something to fill me, when the truth of the matter is
It never will.
The answer is right in front of us. It always has been.
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness," (Colossians 2:9-10).
I want to spend my free hours as a single woman in a journey away from rituals and into a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. He and only He, can fulfill us.
It's over.
If you were reading this and you were thinking Hey, that's me completely. I want desperately to be fulfilled by Jesus Christ rather than looking for completion in relationships with guys, then I highly recommend this book Lady in Waiting. This book tries to direct a woman's attention to the One who really understands the longing of her heart. This book is not about finding the right man, but being the right woman. Click HERE to get the book.