Sunday, August 18, 2013

It Was My One Year Blog Anniversary and I Missed It

So It's a month past my blogs one year anniversary. Why the heck didn't I pay better attention to this? This, my friends, is a big deal.

So, late or not, I decided that blogging about my one year anniversary is a given.

When I created this blog, I wanted to write. I had something to say and I wanted people to hear it. Mostly I was a girl who wanted to be heard. I had passion and it needed to be placed somewhere, so I made this little pretty place. F. Scott Fitzgerald said it best:
"You don't write because you want to say something; you write because you have something to say."
Since the creation of this little blog, there has been a lot of changes. I think all for the very best. This is me saying what the heck was I thinking? Seriously though, I have no idea what made me think that was cute.

But that's how we all start. It's okay to start at the bottom, in fact, the only way anyone starts anything is from nothing. Jimmy Hendrix had to learn and practice playing guitar. Walt Disney had to practice drawing. The Eiffel Tower, at one point, didn't exist until someone drew up the blueprints and got to work. Neil Armstrong had to train and learn a lot of.. stuff, like rocket science or something, before he went to the moon.

Okay so the point is, to do anything we're passionate about, we have to start at the bottom. It takes practice and determination and at one point along the line, subconsciously or not, we decide that we will not give up and we keep going.

When I started this blog I had to come up with a niche. At the time (I think it's still in my About Me portion) I wanted this to be a place where I, a young lady, discovered who I am in this big confusing world. But it's not that at all. Not even then.

This is a place where I am discovering who God wants me to be, and walking towards that goal.

I never intended this to be a place where I told you what to do or taught you the bible. There are times in my life where I feel inspired or times when I believe the Lord is teaching me something. Sometimes things happen in my life or the lives of others that I feel would do someone else some good if they heard the story. This is where I write those things.

I hope this can be a place where you sometimes visit and feel inspired to go out and change your little corner of the world. I hope when you come here, you will know that you are not alone in this difficult time of your life. Or even in the best days of your life. You are not alone.

 We've come a long way from 17-year-old-me. There have been some wrong turns along the way but somehow it all brought us here, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. 
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