Monday, August 26, 2013

Know Your Worth

You were not a mistake. God has a plan for your life. And though it sometimes seems that know one cares, you can make a difference in their lives.

Guys may come and go, but when you know your worth you won't hesitate to move forward because you won't settle for less than God's best for you. This doesn't mean you have to run whenever a guy is interested, but you can challenge men to a higher standard without needing to say a word.
"There is no need to be aloof or distant toward less-than-Christlike guys. If you simply have a sweet, cheerful confidence in the standard you are holding out for, it can cause a guy to stop and think twice about his behavior," (Eric Ludy via Authentic Beauty).
I admit that I often forget that I am valued and cherished. I begin to wish that I could be more bold. I wish that I could make people laugh.

But I forget that that's not how God made me. I am shy and hate confrontations. And I've never been witty with my words; I just say what I am thinking.

Does this take from my worth? Not in the slightest.

You are you, even if that doesn't always make sense. Even when you're not so sure yourself, who you actually are. Your identity is found in the One who made you; the One who saved you.

You don't need to pretend anymore, my friend. Please, for the sake of God's plans for your life, embrace who you are and walk in that freedom. How could you do what God's called you to when you're so busy trying to be someone else? I've heard it said that a girl who truly knows herself is a girl everyone else wants to know.

"So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows," (Matthew 10:31).
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