It all started with a simple text message.
"Hey mom. Do you want to go rock climbing tomorrow?"
Sure, she says, and off we go. Now, some of you have done this before. Maybe it's your hobby and for you it's easy-peasy.
Well, good for you.
For me and my mom- this was a big deal.
We all know of the rock wall with the rope that allows you to propel down the wall as if you were a trained ninja-spy-super-hero. But did you hear of the walls that don't have the beautiful ropes attached to them?
It's abominable! Do they really expect me to climb a wall with no support and only a little, square, squishy mat beneath to catch me? It's unspeakable, tremendous, direful! So what then, did I continue on to do?
I climbed the wall.
And something brilliant happened. I thought I would die. I thought I would just give up and never speak of it again (no that's not the brilliant part).
I climbed that wall as if my life depended on it, and as my hand grasped the top of the wall and I propelled myself to the top, I knew, in one instant that had conquered the world.
It was like Mount Rushmore. Or.. (what's the tallest mountain in the world?)
Oh, it doesn't matter.
Today I, Bailey Gundry, conquered the world. Yay!