I've waited a long time- 18 years and nine months, to be exact- for the man that God has for me.
Okay so in reality, it's not that long. But it feels like centuries. I'm sure you would agree if you are or have been in this situation. It's not fun, the waiting process, but it isn't something I would change, given the chance. God has taught me a lot. He's given me patience, purpose and a tender heart, and when it felt as if I couldn't stand waiting for my future husband a minute longer, He gave me strength.
In this time of waiting God has shown me who I am and how to be comfortable and confident in the shoes He's placed me in. I'm not Jamie Fox or Hayden Penettiere. I am Bailey Gundry. And that, in and of itself, gives me purpose and drive to move forward and do what God has called me, Bailey Gundry, to do.
The time in my life that will be filled with long phone calls and date nights is not, in the slightest, any more important than the time I am living right now.
While I've waited God has strengthened my faith in Him and shown me that I don't have to be loved by a man to be happy, but that I can be loved, admired, and considered lovely by the God who created me.
He wants me to Himself right now before He let's another man step in, and that's okay. It's a beautiful thing, actually. I can dance with God till the end of time and be happy right there.