Okay, I was a little nervous about this one because, well, what if it was a boring day?
I thought, man, this better be a good one or everyone will
-Woke up.
-Brushed my teeth and hair.
-Cooked eggs and hash browns.
-Read up a bit.
-Grabbed my laundry from the dryer that I forgot about.
-Got ready for work.
-Drove to work and got mad at a guy for going 20mph in a 45mph zone. Like, come on.
-Worked and cleaned and all that fun stuff.
-Drove home and took a shower.
-Prepared a bible study.
-Ate some leftovers.
-Drove to church and saw Jodi who bought me Starbucks! So kind.
-Talked to my BFF Jill. Okay, her name's Coreen and we talked on the phone.
-Went to michael's before they closed, with Jodi, and bought cute little boxes for the jr high bible study.
-We also went to Kohl's, because why not.
-Drove home.
-Had a night chat with my step mom.
-Looked on pinterest until I was tired enough to fall asleep.
So there you have it. I actually had a pretty hard time falling asleep because I was dreaming about my future little home that I'd have all to myself. But I'll probably just live with my dad for the next twenty years or until I'm married. So, twenty years.
I think it's so important to enjoy our boring days too, because those are what mostly fill our days. They don't have to be boring. Not if you have the right attitude by finding joy in the ordinary.
So there you have it. I actually had a pretty hard time falling asleep because I was dreaming about my future little home that I'd have all to myself. But I'll probably just live with my dad for the next twenty years or until I'm married. So, twenty years.
I think it's so important to enjoy our boring days too, because those are what mostly fill our days. They don't have to be boring. Not if you have the right attitude by finding joy in the ordinary.

P.S. Oh, and somewhere during the day (I think I was in Kohl's) I got a call from the manager of Express. I now have a third job and have put in my two weeks at Arby's! Yay! I'm moving up in life, friends. It's pretty exciting.
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