Man, all these November challenges are so pointless. Oh well.
1. I can't sleep without Chapstick.
2. I'm allergic to hay.
3. I don't like wearing sun glasses I public because I'm afraid people will think that I think I'm too cool. If that makes sense.
4. I don't like soda. Only water and lemonade on special occasions.
5. I love storms.
6. I love coffee even though I'm not supposed to drink it.
7. And now I can't eat wheat. It's a terrible life.
8. I think huskies are the best dogs in the whole world.
9. I wonder if you even care about my 15 facts.
10. Okay that was just a filler because I can't think of anything. So is this one.
11. I've never had a boyfriend ( unless you count the week long one in middle school. Which I don't).
12. I really like trees. Good looking trees. They give us oxygen and stuff, it's great.
13. I get really scared of being attacked or kidnapped.
14. I once lived with the wolves. They're my homies. (Okay that a lie. But it would be cool).
15. I think it's beautiful when a bunch of birds fly across the sky. But I also get scared of them pooping on me.