Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Gone Totally WWWWRight.


What did you do this Valentine's Day?

Did you go out with a date- the one you've been crushing on for- like- ever, who finally gained the courage to ask you? Were you someone's Valentine? Did you spend it with your husband who made you feel super loved? If so, us single ladies all envy you.

Were you alone this Valentine's Day? I was, relationship-wise. And you know what? That's okay.

I could have stayed home, asked my dog to be my Valentine and watched chic flics as I scooped three different flavors of Ben and Jerry's into my face. Yup, could have happened. And to be honest, it has in the past.

But this year, I decided to handle Valentines Day a little different.

I said I wanted to step out. To serve God and be used. So?

Three weeks ago a decision was made to put together a young girls Valentine Banquet.

We called it The King's Daughter after the verse "The King's daughter is all glorious within," (Psalms 45:13).

And boy, did He show up.

Putting it all together and planning it was stressful and time consuming and completely draining. There were plenty of times when I decided we should just call it quits. But God had a message to give to His daughter's, and I just pray we were able to send that message to them.

Whether it be the way the flowers sat before them, or the jars of candy they received. Whether they got it by the background music or the lights that strung above them. Maybe it was the actual message given or the prizes they received from the games.

Going into this banquet I was a bit stressed and worried, because there would be girls coming who needed to hear from God, and I didn't feel I could give them what they needed.

And I couldn't.

Only God could. So with prayer and love, we gave them what we could. Material things like above. Hoping that in the midst of it all, God would show up and wrap His arms around His daughter's reminding them of His infinite love and grace.

Hoping that, between all the giggling and frosting and songs and fun, He would be near, reminding His daughter's that He sees them and knows their desires and cares enough to give us His best.

So, relationship-wise, I was alone this Valentine's Day. But spiritually-wise, the Lord was near and completely present.

If you forgot about the Lord yesterday, it's not too late. You can give Him everything today too, and all the days that follow.
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