Boy, have I been busy. And it's not one of those "good busys."
You know. Like the ones where the person's super popular and has all these fun things on her agenda and can't fit any time for you. (Not that that'd be good).
Me? All I do is work, work, work and school. And church. (I add that as a side note because I actually enjoy that part of the schedule!)
Adding all that together can become pretty draining and it leaves hardly any room for alone time with Jesus.
Don't get me wrong, I start every day off by reading the Word, but I'm talking about getting alone with Jesus. Quieting your mind and escaping from all the chaos of this life I'm living.
This weekend I got to do just that. I am just so sure that the altitude in the mountains works wonders on the human soul. Or makes you crazy. Either one.
After work on Friday I hopped in my car and drove up to a college retreat in Big Bear. I was leaving an hour later than everyone, so when I got to the cabin, and all the lights were off and there were no cars in the driveway, I
For one, because I was all alone in a foreign land, but mostly because I really had to pee.
So I call up pastor Todd and he says they're about ten minutes away. Well great. I didn't know if I could hold it. So I got out of the car and looked to see if there were any bushes or anything.
But I decided that I didn't want to get eaten by any bears.
I hopped in my car, drove to town, almost ran some people over and found a market. I think the guy at the register must have known I couldn't hold it because he let me use the employees-only bathroom.
And then I bought some Pringles. Yep.
Okay so then the retreat actually started. And the message that the Lord had for me was a good one.
Change is good. And going up that mountain was a big one. Let's stop writing in the planner with permanent ink and use a pencil with an eraser.
A really big eraser.
I've heard it said that vision leaks and mine most certainly had. I am so entirely thankful that I serve a God who, whenever I want to throw in the towel, is always there to pick it back up and allow me to start again.