Dear Dad,
I know you've loved me as long as I've lived, but I've loved you my whole life.
Thank you for being my dad and not just my father.
Thank you for serving this country and fighting for America.
Thank you for singing to me every night as I grew up.
Thank you for loving me with the love of Jesus Christ.
And thank you, for that resulted in my repentance and salvation into the family of God.
Thank you for being my best friend.
Thank you for never letting me forget just how beautiful I am.
Thank you, dad, for giving me the standard of what I look for in a man.
For showing me what it means to be loved.
I now know how a man should treat me because of the example you lead.
Thank you for being strong and courageous, but always slow to anger.
Thank you for your willingness to listen to my babbling about boys and such.
And thank you for so much more. The list goes on for I am endlessly grateful for the role you have and continue to have in my life. You've provided and loved and lead me through life and you have taught me a number of things, that of which can not be counted.
You are an amazing dad and great husband. I've watched you as you always always treated Marla like a princess. Opening the door for her. Walking her through the house during her surgery recoveries.
I will be the most blessed woman on this planet if I could find a husband as wonderful as you, dad.
I could never, with as many words as there are in the English language, ever find any eloquent enough to express how thankful I am for you and how much I love you.