One morning, a man in his kitchen began pouring a few bowls of cereal for his two son's and himself. One son waited patiently at the table for him to bring him his bowl and the other stood close by in order to give his approval.
He stood on his tippy-toes and looked to see the job his father did. With a face of disgust he said, "Daddy, you gave him more and that's not fair!"
This got his father's attention. Crouching down to his son's level he said, "Not fair? Let me tell you something, son. Time and again you will learn that life is not fair, but you can not live constantly comparing yourself with others, always making sure that you have more or better. The only reason you should ever look into someone else's bowl is to make sure they have enough."
We are selfish people, you and me. We look out for number one. We make sure that we get the corner piece of the cake. We want shotgun and it's always our turn to pick the movie on movie night.
As Christians we are still selfish. I do believe that there are times where we are genuinely selfless, but I also think that there are times when we give only for self gain.
And we compare.
The only person we should ever compare ourselves to is Jesus Christ, the most selfless, giving man to ever walk the face of this earth.
God has placed you right where He wants you. He gave you the family you have, the home you live in. The car that you drive (or don't drive). He gave you your trials and hardships. He gave you your gifts and talents. He smiles upon the way He created you and writes out the days of your life.
Your are no mistake, my friend. And though you may desire more or even a different direction for your life to go, you are where you are for a reason. So, please, do us all a favor and bloom where you're planted. You have a lot of beauty to show this world.
And like the father of that boy was saying, we are no better than the kid two doors down. The only reason we should ever look into someone else's bowl is to make sure they have enough.
He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10).
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14).

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