Okay, sorry. I admit my blog title is cheesy to it's core, but come on. It's just a season. You don't have to talk to it.
But on a serious note. Everyone does love November, right? The time changes and with it, so much more. It's the month of pilgrims, turkeys, abundance and warmth. We move deeper into the fall and prepare to make our transition into the new season of winter. But let's not think so far ahead now.
I've decided to do one of those challenges, or whatever, that all the bloggy people do. But I don't have it in me to post every single day, so we're going to take it easy and go twice a week. See? That's nice.
November just seems like the perfect month to do it. So, let's get to it. Here's the list:
Day one: Your current relationship status.
Day two: Your top five pet peeves.
Day three: Your view on religion.
Day four: Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up.
Day five: Bullet your whole day.
Day six: Write ten interesting facts about yourself.
Day seven: Write about someone who inspires you.
Day eight: Three things you're thankful for.
Bonus Post/Day nine: Goals for the new month of December.
There you have it, my friends. My November challenge. Gee, I hope we have a good time. I'm a little nervous.

P.s. I might still post when I feel like I have something that's actually important to say. Just FYI.
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